Hello, Aphrodite, let’s have pie!

Kyle McEachern, manager of Aphrodite’s Pie Shop and Café, deep in the heart of Kitslano in Vancouver, British Columbia, serves pie. Lots of pie. Pie made from local, organic products. GoodFood World spoke to Kyle about the café, how he sources local products, and where the café is headed in the future.

USDA to Allocate Additional Funds for Fruit and Vegetables in Schools

When I was a child we really did get milk and graham crackers, but the fruit and vegetable selection was pretty dismal. Applesauce and corn relish seem to stick in my mind after all these years. The USDA’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program is a great program to help ensure that all children have access to good food and are given healthy choices. Two thumbs up for good food!

Color My World … with REAL Food!

March is National Nutrition Month and it’s the essence of this months’ theme: “Eat Right with Color.” Eat whole and unprocessed foods that are colorful, this month and every month – and don’t worry – the nutritional benefits are automatically included.

Smoothie Flow Chart

You thought making smoothies was simple? Just throw a little fruit into some juice and/or yogurt? Ha! Take a look at this “Smoothie Flow Chart” and get a few ideas for your next blender adventure…

Tomato Prices On the Rise – Again

It’s deja vu all over again! No, you’re not imagining things; tomato prices are on their way up! But wait – weren’t we here last year?

Health Starts Here with Whole Foods Markets

Together Derek Sarno, Global Senior Chef and Educator on the Whole Food Market’s Healthy Eating team, and I explore Whole Food’s new Health Starts Here program and discussed how consumers can implement the program in their daily lives.

Pick a Peck of Purple Peppers

Minutes after meeting Hilario Alvarez in the packing sheds on his farm south of Yakima Washington, we were dashing after him down and across rows of peppers that were blazing with ripe fruit. Until you’ve stood knee-deep or, in some cases, waist-deep in dark green pepper plants, you have no idea how striking the colors of ripe peppers can be.

Urban Agriculture – Growing Your Own

Small-scale alternative food production such as gardens and urban farms are making it possible for families and small farming groups to grow their own food and to sell to local markets. Urban farmers around the world have taken control of food production and distribution to populations that cannot or choose not to buy their food through the conventional system.