Glorious salad – and a bargain!

Today I’m here to glorify the food phenomenon we know as salad: that combination of greens and vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds that’s savory and sweet and bitter with all different textures thrown in, and topped with any type of sauce from thick and creamy to a simple oil and vinegar.

Kate’s in the Kitchen: Lessons Learned

Looking back, this last month has been a little roller-coaster ride. Ian and I have taken on a number of new challenges, some individual and some joint. I took on a new job while he took on more practice hours in preparation for his recital. I launched a new website and we started saving our food scraps for compost. As I mentally ticked off the events of the last few weeks, it was clear that we weren’t wasting time. In between each hiccup we celebrated little successes, and even our low points left us with lessons learned.

Katie’s in the Kitchen: Cover It In Chocolate!

When it comes to gift-giving, I try to do homemade as much as possible. Things like knit hats, Christmas cookies, photographs you’ve taken… it means more when you know the giver has put real time and thought into it.

Don’t feed your kids Twinkies for breakfast!

The Environmental Working Group reviewed 84 popular brands of breakfast cereal and found that Kellogg’s Honey Smacks, nearly 56% sugar by weight, is the worst breakfast cereal for children to eat. A one-cup serving of the brand packs more sugar than a Hostess Twinkie!

When the Label Says ARTISAN, What Does It Mean?

It would seem there is no bigger name in the food world today than “artisan.” Take a walk down any food aisle in the grocery store and you encounter it virtually everywhere: there it is on packaged goods in produce, snacks, frozen food and even the beverage section. These days, the word – which used to mean hand-crafted – is showing up on just about anything edible.

Confession: I Was a Big Food Executive

Bruce Bradley, a former food marketer at companies like General Mills, Pillsbury, and Nabisco, comes across as a sane, level-headed man who has been bamboozled by the industry in which he worked for more than 15 years. Bradley writes like a new convert; he’s seen the truth and he’s mad as hell about what’s been going on.