From Local Farms to Corner Stores: Increasing Access to Healthy Foods

With an eye to the future, a federally-funded program is underway that is designed to help Americans eat healthier foods and fend off ailments stemming from obesity, including heart disease and diabetes by bringing together retailers, farmers, and consumers. Seattle’s Healthy Foods Here (HFH) program operates synergistically.

Carrots for Carrot Cake: Where Do They Come From?

Kim Antieau is on a quest to trace all the ingredients for her homemade carrot cake, from ground to place, and write a book about it. In this excerpt from The Carrot Cake, Kim talks about what she discovered about carrot production.

On the Road: Montina

Our first stop in Montana was at Amazing Grains, miller and marketer of Montina™ brand Indian rice grass, where we met Grace Lee – “Amazing Grace” – and her husband Brad.

2011 Provender Conference: Planting Seeds, Harvesting Wisdom

The 2011 Provender Conference, the premier Northwest event for retailers, food producers and processors, distributors and brokers, will be held this year in Hood River, Oregon, October 5-7. Launched in 1977, Provender Alliance presents its 35th annual event designed to help businesses and organizations in the natural food industry to do business together better. Plenty of time to sign up!

On the Road: Montana-Bound

Folks, here we are on the start of our Montana Drive About. Join us as we visit grain farmers across the state.