Whey-ing the Pros and Cons: It’s All Greek to Me!

Everything is interconnected, and all actions have consequences. Whether they are intended or not, some consequences are better than others. My recent discovery that New York’s Greek yogurt production is getting whey out of hand is exemplary. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Kate’s in the Kitchen: Quick, Seasonal, and Affordable!

Now that summer is in full-swing, it’s time to take advantage of the season! That means making use of all the seasonal produce we can get our hands on, but it also means making quick and affordable meals that you can take on-the-go.

The Pulses of Life!

In summer it’s often too hot to eat warm or hot food. But on a cool night, a rainy day, NOW in June, or late August into September, red lentil, roasted tomatoes and dill soup tastes divine with fresh garden tomatoes! You can also just cut them up and plop them in the lentil pot.

Lemon Dill Egg Salad

Egg salad is my ultimate quick lunch. Got eggs? Got bread? Good to go! It takes little more than ten minutes to make enough egg salad for two with leftovers.

Wheat Bread: A Baking Retrospective

About two years ago I started experimenting with making my own sandwich bread. I knew it wasn’t too difficult to put out a nice fluffy loaf of white bread (and I think I might’ve once or twice) but if Wonder Bread is what I really wanted then I wouldn’t be making my own bread in the first place. From the start I knew that this mission was all about incorporating whole grains. I want to bring bread back to the basics: handmade, unrefined (or less so), and healthy. Oh, and I want it to taste good too.

The Search for Sustainable Shrimp

What I mean to talk about is seafood, even though we hardly ever eat it at our house. In landlocked Montana the fresh stuff is impossible to get, and it’s so hard to know whether your fish is coming from a sustainable source. (Unless you catch it yourself, which we sometimes do and, if you can, I recommend it!)