Carrots for Carrot Cake: Where Do They Come From? (Part 2)

Kim Antieau is on a quest to trace all the ingredients for her homemade carrot cake, from ground to place, and write a book about it. In this excerpt from The Carrot Cake, Kim talks about what she discovered about both organic and conventional carrot farming and processing.

From Local Farms to Corner Stores: Increasing Access to Healthy Foods

With an eye to the future, a federally-funded program is underway that is designed to help Americans eat healthier foods and fend off ailments stemming from obesity, including heart disease and diabetes by bringing together retailers, farmers, and consumers. Seattle’s Healthy Foods Here (HFH) program operates synergistically.

Carrots for Carrot Cake: Where Do They Come From?

Kim Antieau is on a quest to trace all the ingredients for her homemade carrot cake, from ground to place, and write a book about it. In this excerpt from The Carrot Cake, Kim talks about what she discovered about carrot production.


There are two basic pathways that birth and cultivate a relationship with real food, and they augment each other. I categorize one as the external way, and the other as the internal. These two pathways eventually converge, creating the larger “journey-road” of healthy eating and a lifestyle for wellness.

Nature vs. Nutritionism’s False Hope

How many times have you heard this question, “With all the scientific information we now know about nutrition, how come Americans are heavier and unhealthier now than ever before?” The answer is the same as it ever was: because we overeat, we eat a ton of crap food, and don’t sufficiently exercise. We know it and we’ve known it for a long time.

The Disconnect

Organically grown, local, whole, affordable, planetary stewardship, food justice, sustainably farmed, humanely raised and slaughtered, slow cooked and seasonally eaten, nutritionism, vegan, healthy lifestyle; these are just some of the words that come to mind around the elite conversation of How, What, When and Where we eat these days. There is so much to talk about, and these words do not exist in isolation of one another.

Disappearing Nutrients

OK folks, I’ll admit it; I certainly thought the shiny red tomatoes and strawberries in the plastic clam shell boxes seemed to taste less and less like those I remember as a kid. I thought it was just the idealistic glow around childhood memories. But no; it turns out that our conventional fruits and vegetables really are losing some of their nutritive value.

Welcome to Blossom’s B and B – Breakfast AND Bed!

So what do you think B&B stands for? “Bed and Breakfast” or “Breakfast and Bed?” If you’re visiting Blossom’s B&B in Missoula Montana, you’ll find the accommodations are excellent – it’s a restored 1910 Craftsman-style house, after all – but it’s Blossom and her food that make it truly special.