Michael Pollan: Twinkie vs. Carrot

Good Food is everybody’s business. How is it then that the goodness of food eludes us? The modern food industry has made food cheap and plentiful; disguising the true cost.

Have you ever wondered why a bunch of carrots costs more than a package of Twinkies?

Raj Patel – The Cost of Food

The Cost of Food is a recording of Raj Patel’s keynote at the College of the Atlantic’s food conference Food for Thought, Time for Action: Sustainable food, farming and fisheries for the 21st century, October 2009.

Taylor Shellfish Farms, Bow WA

Taylor Shellfish Farms, now managed by Bill and Paul Taylor, has a long family history of growing and harvesting shellfish, and leadership in regional water quality initiatives. In the 1880s, J.Y. Waldrip – the Taylor’s great-grandfather and an erstwhile rancher and gold miner – settled in Puget Sound to farm Olympic oysters. Today, a fifth generation is involved in the family operation.

Pacific Northwest Shellfish – Clean Water and Good Food

While discriminating diners consider a platter full of oysters on the half shell a treat, most don’t realize those bivalves provided a necessary environmental service by filtering and cleaning the water in which they lived. Washington’s Puget Sound produces clams and oysters that are considered among the highest quality and safest seafood products in the world.

Take a Tour of Natural Products Expo East

On his first assignment, our Northeast correspondent Richard Romano surveys the Natural Products Expo East trade show and conference. During his trek through the aisles, …

Chips Ahoy! Natural Products Expo East, Small But Concentrated

On his first assignment, our Northeast correspondent Richard Romano surveys the Natural Products Expo East tradeshow and conference. During his trek through the aisles, Richard sampled everything from organic, kosher peanut butter puffs to organic Bavarian beer.