Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread…

Bread was truly the “staff of life” for both the peasant and the nobleman for centuries. In the Middle Ages, for example, a majority of the population – mostly peasants – ate 2 to 3 pounds of bread a day. Today, even with government recommendations of 6 to 8 ounces of “grain equivalents” a day, most Americans are eating about half as much bread as they did just 40 years ago.

Covid-19 and Our Food System

Self-quarantine and “Stay-at-Home” orders are stressing supply chains to breaking and it’s getting hard to even find staples like flour and sugar. Montana grains, meats, and cheeses are now available online so you can have the basics delivered.

At GoodFood World we absolutely believe in seeking out and eating the very best in regionally grown and harvested meat, fish, grain, dairy, produce, and other foodstuffs. We are committed to spotlighting growers and producers whose food is healthy, nutritious, and delicious.

Double X Bar Ranch – Stewards of the Land

A descendant of generations of Montana ranchers and farmers, Tim Dusenberry, owner and operator of Double X Bar Ranch, is the steward of nearly 600 acres of farmland where he raises 135 head of beef cattle, 40+ pigs, and uncounted laying hens just a few miles from the city limits of Helena.

Back to the Future: Spelt in its Place

What do farmers in Montana’s Golden Triangle today and those living in the Fertile Crescent nearly 3000 years ago have in common? Dry climate, grasslands, …

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs! Beautiful Eggs!

During the height of the Pandemic, we were able to get these gorgeous eggs from Oddfellow Inn and Farm – delivered!! It was such fun to scoop the carton from front porch, open it with great anticipation, and see a rainbow of colors: pale green, khaki green, cream, brown, and white.

There is Something Wrong; Really Wrong!

Big Food, Big Ag, Big Org(anic), and Big Business have all convinced us that the “American Food System” is a wonderful thing to be maintained at all costs.

Maintained on the backs of farmworkers, meat processing workers, food service workers, and other “invisible” workers, our food system delivers cheap strawberries from California, Mexico, and Chile year ‘round, and chicken nuggets and hamburgers by the barrel full.

A Lesson in Diversity – The Potato

Around 100 years ago there were hundreds of varieties of vegetable and fruit seed available to the farmer and home gardener. By 1983 those varieties had been reduced by more than a factor of 10.

Or in the case of potatoes, by a factor of 1000…