Community Supported What? CSA, CSB, CSR, CSW, CSF?

Spend a little time in the presence of a local food advocate and you’ll hear a string of acronyms beginning with CS: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), Community Supported Bakery (CSB), Community Supported Restaurant (CSR), Community Supported Winery (CSW), Community Supported Fishery (CSF). What is all this community support about and what do these programs really mean?

Why Is There Hunger In a World of Plenty?

Here in the US, we have not only very tight control of food and food surpluses by Big Food and Big Ag, we have an additional form of control: intentional degrading of food quality through hyper-processing for profit. Yes, it takes money to access good food; yet we are seeing new forms of malnutrition from overly processed and adulterated food. Raj Patel, writer, activist, and academic, discusses the role of international food markets in propagating inequities in food access and distribution.

Pests: Weeds and Unwanted 4-Legged Visitors

Yesterday was Tuesday which meant that we spent our afternoon at Jubilee Farm weeding. Actually, at this time of the year, the jobs fall pretty evenly between harvesting and weeding! Simply not enough time