10 things you can do about GMOs in the food system

In the last month three genetically modified crops were partially or completely deregulated: alfalfa, sugar beets, and a type of corn used for ethanol production. GE salmon are awaiting a decision by the FDA because they are animals and not crops and the modification is considered a “new animal drug.” Here are a few things you can do.

New Biobased Label Approved by USDA

The USDA has launched a voluntary labeling program that will allow manufacturers and distributors to use a USDA Certified Biobased Product label on qualifying products that meet or exceed the amount of biobased content required for certification. The content level varies according to the type of product certified.

Frank Morton explains how GMOs get that way

Ever wonder exactly how Monsanto gets those genes into GMOs? Frank Morton explains it in layman’s terms. For decades, Morton has been a “salad guy,” raising a wide variety of greens for seed and selling seed to gardeners and farmers.

Americans Are Wary Of Genetically Engineered Foods

Would you eat a genetically engineered salmon? Are you even sure what the difference is between the regular variety and one that’s been tweaked to grow faster? Don’t feel bad if you’re unsure. Only a quarter of Americans say they fully understand what genetically engineered food is all about.