Water, Water, Everywhere But Not A Drop…?

Have you noticed how conflicting news reports about water have been lately? Everybody wants it, we all need it, but no one seems to agree either on the relative availability of water into the future or how to manage it. One thing for sure, our food security depends on it.

Open Source Farming – An Idea For the Times?

Marcin Jakubowski is open-sourcing a set of blueprints for 50 farming tools that can be built cheaply from scratch. He calls it a “civilization starter kit,” instruction set for an entire self-sustaining village (starting cost: $10,000).

Can Big Food Be Local Food?

So can local be big? Before I answer that question, it might be a good idea to revisit what we mean by local. Some good food policy advocates (including me) are substituting the term “community-based” for “local” to signify that local food systems are based on relationships rooted in place.

A New Generation of Farmers – Young, Educated, Energetic

When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up? A fireman, a ballet dancer, a doctor? Maybe even a farmer? Over the last several generations, somewhere between the ages 5 and 15, farmer fell off the list of careers for most Americans.

Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture – the Millennial Agrarian Pioneer

Waves of change have irregularly swept through the realms of food and farms over the decades. There is a new wave of change now, says Chuck Hassebrook, Executive Director of the Center for Rural Affairs, but if we want a better sustainable future, we are going to have to take responsibility for creating it.