There are two basic pathways that birth and cultivate a relationship with real food, and they augment each other. I categorize one as the external way, and the other as the internal. These two pathways eventually converge, creating the larger “journey-road” of healthy eating and a lifestyle for wellness.

The Revolution is Growing! Erick Haakenson at Jubilee Farm

The Growing Revolution is the story of Jubilee Biodynamic Farm in Carnation, Washington. It explores the farm’s history, the growth of its CSA, and Erick and Wendy Haakenson’s passionate commitment to what Wendell Berry calls the agrarian mindset.

Ecosystem Services: The World Provides Them For Free

The world could function perfectly well without us, thank you, and healthy ecosystems provide a huge range of “services” that we mostly ignore. As we make more of an impact on the environment and throw delicately balanced ecosystems out of whack, we will get fewer of those free services. As an example, well-managed agroecosystems not only provide food, fiber and animal products, they also generate services such as flood mitigation, groundwater recharge, erosion control and habitats for plants, birds, fish and other animals.

Who will feed the starving masses?

We took GoodFood World on the road this week and it gave us a chance to discuss the big news of the last week: the alternative food system’s response to an article that appeared in the New York Times, Genetically Engineered Food for All, by Nina V. Fedoroff. Another salvo across the bow of agro-ecology and the organic movement, the article is just part of a propaganda blitz that has been going on for years, paid for – of course – by Big Ag and Big Food.

Campus vegetable garden beckons passing snackers

A little white sign tucked in between the plants offers passersby this invitation: “Need a snack? Come over and have a bite. We’re showing space-saving ideas for vegetable patches and showing that veggies can be pretty and yummy. Go ahead and munch on a tomato as you wait for the bus!”

Where is “Law and Order” when we need it?

It is illegal to “adulterate” food products. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 set up civil and criminal liability for those who do. So why aren’t we seeing the courts and prisons filling up with the guilty parties in the recent outbreaks of food borne illnesses?

In the Same Boat

At GoodFood World, we’ve introduced you to fishermen and farmers who are working hard to do the right thing. This documentary visits Newfoundland and Alberta to profile families trying to do the right thing too.